I'm a wife and a mom.
I've been married for 15 yrs to a great, steady guy.
I have two funny, bright kids -- a 12yo girl and a 9yo boy.
I'm not a great housekeeper, but I try.
I'm a very good cook.
We try to eat naturally, seasonally and locally,
but life isn't worth living without Oreos.
I could stand to lose 25 lb. (It's those Oreos.)
Mostly, I muddle along and mostly, people let me.

Friday, January 29, 2010

See this grenade? Pull the pin. I dare you.

DH — What do you mean you didn’t glue the stars on Monkey Boy’s Pinewood Derby car?!? By the way, I’ll be home late and probably won’t be able to help set up the Derby at the school gym. (Not his fault — he’s been working 14 hour days for the last two weeks.)

DS — Yay Pinewood Derby! No clue what I’m doing! Also, please tell me a fourth time to do my homework because I love it when you totally lose your cool and shriek like that.

DD — I also love being repeatedly screamed at to do my homework. Because I didn’t hear you the first three times when you asked me reasonably and politely and treated me like a real, functioning human being. Nope. The screaming works for me. Also, I’m failing Geography.

Dog — Hi Mom! Love you, Mom! Sorry I puked on your floor, Mom! *hlrup* Sorry I puked on your floor AGAIN, Mom! Please take me to the vet so I can have surgery to remove the thing that I ate that I wasn’t supposed to eat that’s now blocking up my insides and making me *hlrup* Sorry I puked on your floor, Mom!

Then they all looked at me like they had no idea what was wrong when I finally did lose my mind and pitched a stomping, screaming fit.

So go ahead. Pull the pin on my grenade. At least I won’t have to clean up the mess.


  1. AW! I'm sorry things are rough!

  2. Careful (((Hugs))) (don't want to dislodge that pin!). Maybe Oreos will help?

  3. Is it wrong that I giggled? I giggle because I can relate. Hugs...and enjoy those oreos!

  4. If you're not laughing, then I'm doing it wrong! :)

  5. LOL...I hated to laugh at this post, but have so been there..Big hugs to you...I've got all this extra chocolate now that I am dieting, you want some?

  6. oh my goodness... I know I know.. it's stressful but I can't help it.. I am cracking up. Especially at your dog dialog. Please, please... someone get this woman some OREOS! ;)

  7. My first visit and how I enjoyed it! Hope it is a nice relaxing and refreshing week-end for you!

  8. Oh my....were you in my house???? I'm sure I heard that same dialogue in my house this week. I sure hope things are better for you soon! At least you still have your humour! :0)

  9. I hope you were rolling on the floor pounding your fist like a 2-year-old throwing a tantrum as well. That might help them to see the seriousness of it all. Some days are those kinds of days, aren't they? I don't enjoy them much, but then what are we going to blog, right? =p Hope things get better soon....and the puke has been cleaned up...unless you were rolling in it.

  10. Oh Lordy can I commiserate with the homework woes!! I am so tired of begging people to do their darn homework! Let me know if you find the secret to getting them to do it!

    Hope next week is better, and that the dog stops urping :)

  11. Um ... this is my first visit and I must say, wow! I hope your weekend is filled with obedient children, a well dog, and time for some really good quality chocolate!

  12. We have all had those days. Sometimes those weeks! Hope it gets better. If not, there is always chocolate!

  13. OREOs--yummy. I so cracked up at your post. What to do; what to do? You'll do just fine. Better eat another Oreo just in case.

  14. Grimmace. Laugh. Here, have an Oreo on me. HUG HUG.

  15. Aww. So sorry about your day. I was one of those kids once... the pain of motherhood. There's always the scream-into-the-pillow trick, safer than a grenade. On the plus side, you have a screenplay in the works!

  16. Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by and commented! Glad we could share a giggle and some Oreos. :) If you want an update on the weekend, I posted here: http://caffeineandpaper.blogspot.com/2010/02/blast-was-contained.html
