I'm a wife and a mom.
I've been married for 15 yrs to a great, steady guy.
I have two funny, bright kids -- a 12yo girl and a 9yo boy.
I'm not a great housekeeper, but I try.
I'm a very good cook.
We try to eat naturally, seasonally and locally,
but life isn't worth living without Oreos.
I could stand to lose 25 lb. (It's those Oreos.)
Mostly, I muddle along and mostly, people let me.

Friday, January 15, 2010

My week in writing

2000 words on The Misplaced Marriage.
2500 words on the Gorgon/Mercenary (no title yet).
Finished A Dark and Stormy Knight, part 1.

Not a bad week's work. Not bad at all.

Also, the house is clean. The laundry's caught up. I've been making dinner -- ok, one night we had pizza -- but other than that, it's been all homemade.

Yes, indeed. This has been a good week, even with my three schedule freakouts. (Three separate links.)


  1. Pizza's always good. And hurrah for you for doing a great job this week. I can't tackle thing in big chunks because the kids don't allow time for that, but doing a few "Small Things" always make the house a home...and there are days I just have to let it go. It's okay...really. Have you seen the show Hoarders. We don't have a TV (by choice) but I saw a clip online. At least it's not as bad as that right? Enjoy the cleaniness. Have a wonderful weekend Susan.

  2. ALL that writing AND you cooked dinner most nights? WOW that's impressive, truly!

  3. The house is clean and the laundry's caught up! Way to go! My brother in law always teases me when I get so excited about laundry being done. He says "You know what the great thing is about laundry? There will always be MORE to do tomorrow!" Ha! Ha! :) So true.

    Enjoy your weekend and thanks for sharing coffee with us.


  4. Great job! That's a lot of writing! I am impressed!

  5. I'm impressed with all of that writing! Glad you had a good week. :)

  6. Sorry I wasn't on this weekend to comment back! Thanks for stopping by, everyone!
