I'm a wife and a mom.
I've been married for 15 yrs to a great, steady guy.
I have two funny, bright kids -- a 12yo girl and a 9yo boy.
I'm not a great housekeeper, but I try.
I'm a very good cook.
We try to eat naturally, seasonally and locally,
but life isn't worth living without Oreos.
I could stand to lose 25 lb. (It's those Oreos.)
Mostly, I muddle along and mostly, people let me.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Resolutions: Eat Drink and Be Merry!

Resolution 1: Write every day!
Resolution 2: Lose weight!
Resolution 3: Be on time!

As if putting exclamation marks behind them makes them more likely to happen. snort

I went through my blog a little while ago and searched out all my old resolutions or goals or things to aim for or whatever I like to call them that year. I think the only one I succeeded at was the one where for one year I was going to Drink More Coffee.

I liked that. That was a good resolution. I made that resolution work.
Since I’m pretty much at my limit, caffeine-wise, though, I think it’s time for a new resolution.

Eat Drink and Be Merry!

Like any good resolution, though, I should break it down into concrete goals.

Eat: What? Eat more Twinkies? More Oreos? More chocolate? Given the size of my ever-expanding ass, I should probably cut back on the Twinkies and Oreos. Try to take my chocolate though, and you’ll likely draw back a bloody stump.

How about if I resolve to eat more Good Food? More whole foods, more local, sustainable, naturally or organically grown foods. Home cooked meals that showcase new cooking skills, that emphasize flavor, as opposed to convenience foods that we shovel in because we’re too rushed to enjoy them. I think that my new copy of Joy of Cooking and I are going to develop a very close relationship.

Drink: Good coffee. Good wine. More water.

The good thing about being married to a guy who likes a good deal is that you end up getting nifty things like Keurig coffee machines for outrageously low prices. As he’s now gainfully employed and no longer at home with me during the day, we found that we no longer made a pot of coffee in the morning because most of it went to waste. Dude. I can only drink so much coffee before I start to twitch, you know? Enter the Keurig with those cute little pods. We can even use our own coffee, so now my caffeine consumption is back to previous levels. Aaaahhhhh.

We live near this awesome liquor store (they gots wine what comes in biiiig bottles – with screw tops!) I’m kidding. It’s a great shop that does weekly wine tastings with knowledgeable people who talk about wine and food pairings, history of the vineyards, different flavors to look for – all that stuff that I used to think was for people who had their corks screwed on too tightly, you know what I mean? It’s fascinating. I’m serious. I’m totally into this now and we’ve found some amazing wines. They’re not stuck up at all and they’ll as soon recommend a wine that costs $12 as one that costs $40 or more. Which reminds me, vintners are starting to use screw tops on even their expensive wines. Yay for easy access! The store is moving further up the road this spring, though, and it’ll be harder to get to them. I’m going to miss going there on Saturdays. I’ll need to find a new wine shop. Pity me. *gg*

As for water, my husband, crazy romantic that he is, got us all Klean Kanteens for Christmas. It’s good, though. Mine’s bright red and I like it. I drank a whole bottle of water yesterday and that’s something I rarely do.

Between the coffee, the wine and the water, it’s a good thing I splurge on the nice TP.

Finally, Be Merry.

I have a relatively short list of things that make me happy. Being with my family, eating, drinking, reading and writing, watching movies where Vin Diesel takes off his shirt. For the last third of the year, I struggled with writing, though, and it was painful.

This year, I resolve to be merry as I write. All year. Whether I write flash fiction, short stories, novellas, or even write that novel I’ve been meaning to get around to, I want to enjoy writing. I want to pull up to my keyboard every day and look forward to getting the words on the screen. No doubt, I’ll encounter times when the words won’t come or the scene won’t work. It won’t even surprise me to find that I’ll have to abandon a story partway through. But I hope to remember that I’m fortunate enough to write because I love to write.

Let 2010 be the year where we can all Eat Drink and Be Merry!!


  1. Oh...I wish I had known about the Keurig coffee machine before I just bought my very first coffemaker(in 36 yrs of marriage)...I have it periodically, hubby never...just thot it would be good to have on hand for guests but that kind of machine sounds much better!
    Happy New Year!

  2. I love that you resolve to be "Merry" in all your writing. I certainly could stand to have a "cup half full" attitude this year in all I do!
    Happy New Year!

  3. I have really loved having my coffee back, 2nd. If I have to have a vice, that's the one I pick!

    Thanks, Lydia. The last story I submitted, well, I still think it'll get rejected, but I'm more than ready to move past it. I've got a lot of other great stories to tell and I hated that I was dreading sitting down to write.

  4. I love resolutions that practically guarantee success ;)

  5. Good luck with these resolutions! You are off to a great start!

  6. I'm not so good with resolutions that require effort. But I can Eat Drink and Be Merry without any effort at all!

    Thanks for dropping by, y'all!

  7. Love your philosophy, I think my resolution will be eat more chocolate!

  8. Great resolutions! Once the kids grow up a little more, I'll try that "Be on time" thing again. =p They make it almost impossible. There's always one more thing before we head out the door. Good for you for drinking more water! I love water. No taste, but quite refreshing. Happy new year!

  9. Eh. If we're on time to church this morning THAT will be a miracle!

    I tend to prefer my water mixed with things like ... coffee. Or fermented grape juice. ;) But every once in a while, I'll take it plain. *lol*
